Address Changes Due to In-District Moves

To process a student address change, complete the Online Change of Address Request Form and upload appropriate proof of residency & occupancy.  You will need copies of both:

  • Utility Bill with new address dated within the last 60 days (gas, electric, internet)
  • Current Lease or Recent Mortgage Statement or Real Estate Tax Bill

Addresses will be changed after all the required forms are received by the Registration Department. Families will be notified by email once the address change is updated and can choose next steps: 

  • Students can finish the year in the same school, but must go to their district school the following school year. Parents must provide transportation in this case.
  • Students can transfer to the district school based on their new address and may be eligible for transportation.


In-District Transfer Requests

If your child currently attends Haverhill Public Schools and you would like to request a change of school assignment due to a hardship, a transfer request application may be filed.  All requests are reviewed on a space-available basis and responded to in writing in early August.

Transfer request applications will be available from May 1 – July 1 for the 2025-2026 school year.

Per the Haverhill School Committee ‘Assignment of Students to Schools’ Policy*, students are required to attend school in the attendance area in which they reside, unless the Superintendent has granted special permission. Special permission may be granted for the following reasons and based on space availability: 

  1. Change involves a hardship case or if there are medical considerations.
  2. Change appears to be in the best interests of the child, of the schools, and for disciplinary and administrative reasons.
  3. The legal residence of a child changes from one attendance area to another during the school year and the parents wish the child to remain in former school; permission will not extend beyond the current school year.
  4. To permit secondary school students to take courses not offered in their assigned schools.


School bus transportation is NOT be provided for students attending schools outside their attendance area.  Transportation will be the responsibility of the student’s parent/guardian.
Transfers are approved through the next transition year. Ex., elementary students will return to the middle school based on home address. However, a student transfer may be revoked due to attendance issues or disciplinary actions as outlined below:

  • A student’s attendance in school falls below 92% due to absences, tardiness or dismissals
  • A student is suspended for any disciplinary action

Students enrolled based on an approved transfer will have a record review before the end of any given term and parent/guardian will be notified by the school of any changes before the end of the term.