Our goal is to work with you in partnership so we may provide the students safe and dependable transportation to and from school. Our bus drivers have a very important job and need the continued support of students, parents, the city and Haverhill Public Schools.
We all have responsibilities in this partnership. The city works on roads and traffic safety. The Haverhill Public Schools provides transportation with trained drivers and checks routes for safety and efficiency in helping students arrive at school safely and on time. The parents and guardians teach children how to walk safely to and from the bus stop or school and how to behave at the bus stop and on the bus. The bus driver drives safely and at the same time supervises the behavior of the students.
We ask you to talk with your children about the importance of cooperation and good behavior on the bus. We also want to impress upon them walking safely to the bus stop or school, stay out of the street, respect private property, and not to use the bus stop as a play area. If possible small children should be accompanied to and from these locations.
Thank you for considering the many important responsibilities each of us has in this partnership. Our student’s safety is essential to success in school. Please report any serious safety hazards to 978-420-1921 or to your school principal.