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Wellness Leadership
Meghan Correll, District Coach/Coordinator K-12 Health & Wellness
Thomas O’Brien, Athletic Director
Cara LaBelle, Dean HHS Health, Wellness Health Teacher
Robin Vinci -Lead Teacher Wellness & PE Teacher
Supervising: Bonnie Antkowiak, Chief of Teaching, Learning and Leading
Haverhill Public Schools has a responsibility to foster a school environment that helps students learn and maintain lifelong healthy eating and lifestyle habits. Many factors play a role in achieving a healthy school environment, including food and beverages available to students while at school, nutrition education, opportunities for physical activity and other school-based programs and activities designed to promote student wellness. ~HPS Wellness Policy (2012) “Massachusetts is leading the way by providing a health and physical education framework that is inclusive, medically accurate and age-appropriate to help them make decisions that are right for their health and wellbeing,” ~Governor Maura Healey (Sept. 19, 2023)
- Massachusetts Health Curriculum Frameworks
- More information on understanding the 2023 Massachusetts Comprehensive Health & Physical Education Frameworks.
The Wellness Department will map the Health Education scope and sequence to align with the 2023 Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Frameworks. There are three curricula that Haverhill Public School Health teachers draw from: HealthSmart ETR, Rights, Respect & Responsibility and Health Education Today. However, teachers have access to many other professional resources and tools to which they design curricula to address the practice skills necessary to cover the Massachusetts Frameworks. To the extent practicable, program instruction materials for said curricula will be made reasonably accessible to parents and guardians for review.