School Bus Routes for 2023-2024

Below are the routes for the regular school year (updated 11/07/2023)

Stop times may vary. Please be at your designated spot at least 5-7 minutes prior to the assigned time and allow up to 10 minutes after the assigned time for the bus to arrive.

Bradford Elementary  AMPM

Consentino Middle School  AM | PM

Gateway Academy   AM | PM

Golden Hill Elementary   AM PM

Haverhill High School   AM |  PM

Hunking School  AM | PM

Nettle Middle School AM| PM

Pentucket Lake/Walnut Square Elementary  AM | PM

Silver Hill Elementary AM | PM

Tilton Elementary  AM | PM

Whittier Middle School  AM  | PM


Loop Bus Loop Bus Routes NRT Loop Bus Routes

Sacred Hearts School AM | PM

Hill View School Transfer  AM | PM

Haverhill High School  LATE BUS