Youth Work Permit – Age 14 thru 17

Work permits can be obtained at City Hall, Haverhill High School or Burnham School. At this time Work Permits are also being issued by email. Completed applications with all required documents should be emailed by the student/youth requesting the permit to Sara Moccio at:

English Work Permit

Spanish Work Permit

Portuguese Work Permit


  1. Employer will complete and sign the first section on page one. Work Permits are not issued until you have a job.
  2. If you are 14 or 15 years old your physician must sign the 2nd section.
  3. Please have your parent/guardian sign the 3rd section.
  4. You will sign the last section.
  5. Along with your completed application you must also provide proof of your age.  This can be a birth certificate, passport, immigration record, state ID, driver’s license or learner’s permit.

Once all of the above is complete, email the completed application, along with the required proof of age to  Please include your current home address, grade and school attending and allow up to 48 hours to receive your work permit back. Do not hesitate to email with any questions

For more information about youth employment Mass Gov Youth Employment