If you are interested in becoming a substitute for Haverhill Public Schools, please contact
Tracey Prescott @ 978-420-1970 or by email
tracey.prescott@haverhill-ps.org to schedule an interview.

Please take a moment to review the HPS Substitute Handbook by clicking on the link below. It includes a wealth of information including who our leadership team is, contact information, an HPS School Directory, and frequently asked questions.

HPS Substitute Handbook 2024-2025


Compensation Rates 2024-2025 for Substitute Teachers and Educational Support:

Certified teacher substitutes will receive $135.50 per day.

Non-certified teachers substitutes, to include those individuals with a minimum of an Associates Degree or who have completed 2 years of college, will receive $105.00 per day.

Non-certified long term substitute teachers (in the same position), will receive $105 per day for the first 30 days. Beginning on the 31st day and beyond long term substitute teachers (in the same position) will receive $125.50 per day. If more than 90 days consecutive days in the same role, the substitute must either be licensed for the role or be working under a hardship waiver. 

Educational support substitutes will receive $15.00 per hour.

Reasonable Assurance Forms   (To be completed each school year)
Sub Admin Questionnaire
Sub Cafeteria Questionnaire
Sub Custodian Questionnaire
Sub Nurse Questionnaire
Sub Support Questionnaire
Sub Teacher Questionnaire