With the school year ending, free Summer Eats meals will soon begin in Haverhill! All kids and teens 18 and under can eat meals for free; no sign-up is required, and no questions asked. Just show up at the sites and times listed below throughout the summer. Kids and teens must be present to receive a meal and are required to eat on-site.
Please go to the entrance of the building and request meals in the front office!
Free breakfast and lunch will be available at the following dates and times:
June 23rd- August 23rd
– Haverhill High School- 137 Monument St. 7:30AM- 9AM and 11 AM-1 PM
– Hunking School- 480 S. Main St. 7:30AM- 9AM and 11 AM-1 PM
– Gateway Academy- 415 Primrose St. 7:30AM- 9AM and 11:00 AM- 12:30 PM
– Consentino Middle School- 685 Washington St. 7:30AM- 9AM and 11 AM-1 PM
Free lunch ONLY will be at the following dates and times:
June 23rd- August 23rd
– Swasey Fields- 39 Blaisdell St. 12:00PM- 12:30PM
– Plug’s Pond- 119 Mill St. 11:30AM-1PM
– Haverhill Public Library- Mondays and Wednesdays ONLY from 11:00AM- 1:00PM
Haverhill will be partnering with the Haverhill Public Library throughout the summer during their kid-friendly activities they’ll be offering. Be on the lookout for these events on either the Haverhill Public Library Website: https://haverhillpl.org/ or on the HPS Food Service website: https://www.haverhill-ps.org/food-services/
In addition to these sites and times, there are hundreds of Summer Eats meal sites across MA. Visit https://projectbread.org/summereats to find locations near you. Please reach out to Anna Perracchio, RD, LDN at anna.perracchio@haverhill-ps.org with any questions!