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Haverhill Public Schools Counseling Department

Jami Dion, Director of Guidance, Counseling & Student Support Services

Megan Arivella, Supervisor of School Counseling

Our Mission

Haverhill Public Schools Counseling Department is committed to cultivating a growth mindset in every student through a holistic and inclusive approach to navigate challenges, build self-awareness, and achieve full potential. We aim to provide all students a safe and nurturing environment to gain essential resources, guidance and comprehensive support to make informed decisions about their own well-being and college, career and post secondary choices.


Counselor Connection:

School Counselors K-8 finds value in communicating with families. Each trimester, counselors will develop a newsletter that reports important information particularly in the Counselor Connection document (link & code provided)

Guidance Curriculum:

2025-2026 Haverhill High School Program of Studies

Guidance Curriculum Map:

These designated lessons and activities are age and developmentally appropriate which provide access to information for high school, college and career readiness. Students will receive a personal “Roadshow” presentation by select HHS representatives, tours of HHS and an invite to a community family night to showcase Haverhill High Programs, academics, athletics and activties that are available to rising 9th graders.

Naviance Scope & Sequence:

In essence, Naviance’s scope and sequence is designed to ensure that students are continuously working towards their post-secondary goals, with each step in their high school career helping them become more prepared for life after graduation, whether they pursue college, a career, or other professional development. At this age, students are introduced to this new platform in Grade 5 and counselors assign tasks for each grade level to build upon each school year.

PowerSchool Naviance CCLR provides a comprehensive platform for students, school staff, district leaders, and families to collaborate and support student success. With the student at the center, PowerSchool Naviance CCLR provides effective tools that prepares high school students for their futures and provides school districts with actionable insights.​

Scope & Sequence Grades 5-8

Scope & Sequence Grades 5-12

Learn Naviance through the eyes of a student!

Key Features of Naviance’s Scope and Sequence:

  1. Self-Discovery: Students engage in assessments and activities that help them understand their interests, strengths, values, and personality. This typically begins in the early high school years and continues with more in-depth exploration as they progress.
  2. Career Exploration: Naviance provides tools to explore different career options, required skills, and potential pathways. These activities help students align their interests with future career possibilities.
  3. Academic Planning: Students receive guidance on course selection, setting academic goals, and tracking progress. This ensures they are academically prepared for college or other post-secondary opportunities.
  4. College Research and Readiness: Beginning in the early year, students learn how to navigate this platform and utilize it for interest inventories, surveys and to learn more about their strengths & abilities and how it may connect to their future choices. Later in high school years, students learn about college options, admissions processes, and scholarships. Naviance also supports students with creating college lists and managing applications.
  5. Gradual Progression: The scope and sequence ensures that each year builds on the previous one.  Grade 8 may explore careers, freshmen might focus on foundational self-discovery and academic goal setting, while seniors delve deeper into college applications, scholarship searches, and post-graduation planning.

Grade 8 High School Planning:

High School Transition- Dates & Deadlines

HHS Career Technical Education:

HHS Career Technical Education Programs

Application Timeline for the 2024-2025 school year:

  • February 14, 2025 – Deadline to submit all parts of the application
  • March 3rd-21st 2024 – Interviews will be held at students’ schools
  • March 29, 2025 – Acceptance to the programs will be finalized, and notifications sent to students (applications submitted on time)

HPS CTE Admissions Policy

Application Interview Questions

Loop Program:

The Loop Program is offered in the spring for students in Grade 8 to enroll in a high school class for credit. Families are expected to follow the enrollment procedures and deadlines are firm. Loop classes are held three days a week and students gain exposure to the high school environment with a credit awarded on their transript before they even enter high school! Transportation is provided on school days.

Loop Program presentation September 2024

No Loop Days: Please note the loop program does not run during holidays, half days, during MCAS testing, if there is a delayed opening or snow day.

Please refer to our NO LOOP DAY Schedule

SBIRT Screening:

Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is a public health approach that uses a standardized screening tool to identify a student who are at risk of developing or abusing substances. The goal of SBIRT is to prevent or reduce substance use through early intervention.

SBIRT screening can take place in many settings, including schools, primary care centers, hospital emergency rooms, and community centers. The screening process involves a trained professional assessing a patient for risky substance use behaviors. The screening can be administered in either a self-report or interview format and takes about five minutes.

If a student screens positive, they will undergo further assessment to determine their level of risk. If indicated, the student will receive a brief intervention to help them identify goals and values, and increase their motivation to change their substance use. Students who need a higher level of care may be referred to specific interventions. Parents/Guardians have the option to opt their student out from this screening.

SBIRT has been shown to be effective in improving outcomes for people who use substances. Research suggests that SBIRT is most effective for patients who have unhealthy substance use but do not have a substance use disorder.

Jami Dion

Director of Guidance, Counseling and Student Support Services


Megan Arivella

Supervisor of Counseling K-12


Liz Canty (Daley)

Guidance Counselor - Consentino Middle School (Grades 5 & 7)


Terri Carney

Guidance Counselor - C.D. Hunking School (Grades 5 - 8)


Megan Crowley

Guidance Counselor - Nettle Middle School (Grade 5 - 8)


Holly DeLuca

Guidance Counselor - JG Whittier (A-K)


Alison George

Guidance Counselor - Consentino Middle School (Grades 6 & 8)


Gabby Holland

Guidance Counselor - Tilton Elementary (Grades K - 4)


Alexandra McArthur

Guidance Counselor - Gateway Academy (Grades 7 - 12)


Patricia Wood

Guidance Counselor - Greenleaf Academy (Grades 5 - 12)


Jacquie Vlahos

Guidance Counselor - JG Whittier (L-Z)
