City Clerk Posting Hybrid Executive Session Negotiating Session Secretaries' Unit 10.26.23
HSC Portfolio 12.14.23 City Clerk Posting Hybrid Regular Meeting with Agenda 12.14.23 (1) Hybrid Regular Meeting Agenda 12.14.23.docx Here is the information to virtually join the School Committee Meeting through Google Meet on December 14th. Erinn Scott has invited you to join a video meeting on Google Meet. Dial in (audio only): (US)... Read more »
Final Edit Remote Consentino School Building Committee Remote Meeting 11.06.23.docx 1. Agenda-CSBC_2023-12-07 (1).docx City Clerk Posting Remote Consentino SBC Meeting 12.07.23 (1) (1)
City Clerk Posting Hybrid Executive Session Negotiating Session Nonunit Therapists 11.06.23
City Clerk Posting Hybrid Regular Meeting with Agenda 10.26.23 City Clerk Posting Executive Session Negotiating Session SEIU Maintenance 11.13.23 City Clerk Posting Executive Session Negotiating Session SEIU Maintenance 10.23.23